Brian M. Young filed paperwork in the Pulaski County Clerk’s Office Wednesday morning officially resigning from the Pulaski County Council. He also withdrew from the November 8 General Election Ballot as a candidate for Pulaski County Council in District 3.
Young, 47, appeared before Special Judge Jonathan Forker in La Porte County Tuesday afternoon and pleaded guilty in a plea agreement with the State to Level 6 Felony charges of voting outside precinct residence in a plea hearing. If the plea agreement is accepted by the judge prior to the sentencing hearing, counts of theft, perjury and official misconduct would be dismissed per the terms of that agreement.
The plea agreement calls for no executed jail time and the Probation Department will be putting together a pre-sentence investigation prior to the sentencing hearing which is scheduled for August 22 at noon ET in Pulaski Superior Court. The charges may also be treated as misdemeanor counts, at the discretion of the court. The court will decide any sentence imposed in this case.