Pulaski County Community Development Commission (CDC) Executive Director Nathan Origer recently proposed to the Pulaski County Commissioners and Pulaski County Council the initiation of a Redevelopment Commission in Pulaski County.
He noted that housing projects could be more affordable if a TIF District was established through a Redevelopment Commission and in other areas where dollars could be used for economic development.
Origer also proposed overhauling how the CDC is structured by developing several commissions where representation with strengths in different areas of economic development could help grow Pulaski County. He suggested setting up an Economic Development Commission, reinstating the Industrial Park Board, and putting together a Tourism Commission to start.
Origer noted that it would fit in the CDC’s strategic plan.
Councilwoman Kathi Thompson said it makes a lot of sense, Council President Ken Boswell said he supports the idea, and Commissioner Maurice Loehmer said he would support restructuring also. Councilman Tim Overmyer and Councilman Brian Young said they want more information, but Young mostly supports the proposal.
A motion was made by the Pulaski County Council to allow Origer to work with County Attorney Kevin Tankersley to look into the proper processes to move along with the restructuring process. The Pulaski County Council members approved the motion by a majority vote with Tim Overmyer opposed to the motion. The Pulaski County Commissioners voted unanimously to support the motion.