Starke County Commissioners Look for Resident Input on Proposed Railroad Crossing Closure

The Starke County Commissioners are looking for input from residents on a proposed railroad closure request from Norfolk Southern officials.

Starke County Highway Superintendent Dan Dipert brought the request to the attention of the commissioners Monday morning.

Dipert explained, “The railroad crossing is on 225 South between Highway 23 and 1000 East.  We would have to divert traffic a quarter-mile to 200 South.

The problem, according to Dipert, is that is a gravel road.

“When they were talking to me about this I told them that you guys might be more acceptable if they would pay to pave those roads.”

There is an offer to the county of $52,500 for the permanent closure of the crossing and INDOT has agreed to put in $7,500 to close the crossing, which could cover the costs of paving, if the closure moves forward.

The commissioners questioned the need to close the crossing.  Dipert said Indiana ranks high for accidents in the case where people go around railroad crossings so the rail companies want to close as many as possible.  There was no additional information provided on the reasoning behind the company’s request.

County Attorney Justin Schramm suggested waiting until the next meeting to discuss it more in order to get more information about why Norfolk Southern has identified this crossing as one to close. Additionally, Schramm advised the commissioners to gather comments from the property owners before making a decision and they agreed. Letters will be sent to the property owners in that area to attend the next meeting on July 5 or send correspondence concerning their opinions on the matter.