Starke County Fire Departments Looking for New Firefighters

Now is the time to turn in an application to be a firefighter.

Local fire departments are always accepting new recruits, but it is becoming critical as the applications are not there for those who could replace retiring or transferring firefighters.

The North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Department and the Washington Township Fire Department have posted updates on Facebook gathering interest in firefighting.  Applications are available at either fire department, as well as Hamlet Fire Department, Koontz Lake-Oregon Township Fire Department, San Pierre Fire Department, and Bass Lake-California Township Fire Department.

The Knox-Center Township Fire Department is having a recruitment open house Saturday, June 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CT at the Southside Fire Station at 1109 S. Heaton Street.  They are offering a tour of the firehouse and a look at the trucks that are available to assist in times of an emergency.

Interested residents are invited to fish fry at the North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Department Saturday, June 11 from 4:30 p.m. until sold out.  Firefighters will be on hand to answer any questions and hand out bylaws.