Piers Removed at Bass Lake

The Starke County Park Board provided an update on the Bass Lake pier situation during their meeting this week.

DNR officials made the Starke County Park Board aware on issues with the north and south piers at Bass Lake. The DNR report stated the south pier along with parts of the north pier needed to be removed. Those issues were brought up at a previous meeting and the board decided to have the piers in question removed.

As of now, the south pier has been completely taken down and the north pier two has had seven sections removed. The board had submitted pictures to the DNR to show their progress. The DNR said the only other thing they are not in compliance with is on its map. It shows the pier much closer to the outhouse on the other side of the beach than what is currently there.

The goal is to start working toward re-permitting the permits for next year based on the hardware and pier sections the Park Board has. The hope is to have everything set and ready to go for next spring.