The Culver Town Council members reviewed an ordinance Tuesday night that would rezone 18997 20A Road in Culver from Suburban Residential District (S-1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD).
The Culver Town Council members reviewed an ordinance Tuesday night that would rezone 18997 20A Road in Culver from Suburban Residential District (S-1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Culver Town Manager Ginny Bess Munroe said the matter was brought before the Culver Plan Commission and passed with a unanimous recommendation of the members present to the Culver Town Council. The application was presented by James Easterday on behalf of the homeowner, Sage Road II LLC.
She explained that the owners are putting up three buildings on the property that will have residents in them as personal family use, or single family residential.
A barn, a clubhouse and a fieldhouse are proposed. The barn would store boats, cars and tractors. The clubhouse would have dining and living facilities and should be thought of as a larger single family residence. The fieldhouse would include a gym, locker rooms, and a pool. Each of the three main structures would be approximately 10,000 square feet.
No commercial or public use is planned.
There was a question about the property ownership, and it was noted that the entire 53-acre property will be owned by a single person, unless the PUD is modified. Any other use action would have to follow the PUD requirements.
The ordinance was approved on the first reading with a unanimous vote. The rules were then suspended and the ordinance was approved on the second and final reading for adoption.