Expected inclement weather this week has the city of Knox getting prepared for the holiday weekend.
Republic Services Operations Manager Liz Krager has been in contact with City of Knox Mayor Dennis Estok this week on potentially moving trash pick up day. If the weather hits as it is being projected, Krager says they may be forced to close.
This would impact trash service for the east side of Knox. Instead of pushing the services until the following week, Republic Services is proposing servicing the east side of town a day early and completing trash pick up for the week tomorrow.
Krager said this would provide residential trash services to all residents on Thursday of this week. If all residents place their containers out Wednesday, Krager said they will service them on Thursday.
In the event Republic Services are open on Friday, they will run the area again for anyone that may not have been out for Thursday services. If Republic Services is closed this Friday, any containers not out will be serviced the following weekend on Saturday, December 31.