Wythogan Park Historic Walking Bridge Inspected

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok reported during the City Council meeting this week Bridge No. 39, more commonly known as the walking bridge into Wythogan Park in Knox had been inspected.

Mayor Estok told the council the inspection report showed areas where refurbishment will be needed.

The bridge is on the National Historic Registry and is the last of its kind in Indiana. It was built in 1915 and was placed on 1100 E. near Oak Grove at that time. It was taken from that location in 1992 to where it currently resides at the corner of Main and Water Streets in Knox. It acts as a walking bridge for residents to access Wythogan Park.

Mayor Estok stated the inspection report stated no more than 25 people should be on the bridge at one time. He went on to say INDOT has a grant for historical bridges where the city would put forth 20 percent while INDOT would take care of the remaining 80 percent of the total cost.

Mayor Estok stated the city will plan to apply for the grant through INDOT. The council discussed in the mean time placing a sign near the bridge warning pedestrians of the bridge’s occupancy limit.