Article submitted by Justin Risner
The North Judson Utility Department is currently working with Peerless Midwest to update all the original water lines and valves in the Water Department building.
The water lines currently feeding the town’s water supply are original dating back to the 1970s. They are now in terrible shape and leaking, according to officials. The main concern is that if a line goes out in the building, it could affect the whole community.
Parts are now on order for piping and valves. With one 6 inch valve running around $2,416.11, and the building housing around 12 valves of bigger size, the North Judson Town Council approved a purchase order Monday night of $70,410 for the parts needed. The total cost for the whole project could run up to around $190,000, but would be good for another 40-50 years.
Additionally, the Utility Department employees are making their rounds through the town jetting and cleaning sewer lines, and conducting manhole inspections. The process may only take around 15 minutes but may cause unwanted odors to come up through house drains which should clear within a short amount of time.