Main Street Winamac Introduced to Winamac Town Council

Representatives from Main Street Winamac introduced the new organization at a recent Winamac Town Council meeting.

Main Street Winamac is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that consists of a group of passionate community members dedicated to honoring the past by building a vibrant downtown through programs that will enhance the quality of life for residents, strengthen opportunities for businesses and create a memorable experience for all who visit.

Main Street Winamac is an Indiana Main Street program under the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs (OCRA). The organization was formed in 2022 where the members spent their time laying the ground work for the organization, establishing bylaws and a mission statement, getting a core board in place and understanding a bit more of what it means to be a Main Street organization. Their first task will be taking over responsibilities of the planters in town.

Main Street Winamac representatives explained to the Winamac Town Council members that they were now in search of a place the organization could call home and sought permission from the council members to use empty space at The Depot as their headquarters. A motion was made to approve the request and it passed unanimously. The Town will cover water and electric costs, but Main Street Winamac would be responsible for the heating bills.