North Judson Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Amended Water, Sewer Rates

The North Judson Town Council held a public hearing Monday night that addressed ordinances that amend the waterworks and sewage works schedule of rates and charges.

Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors updated council members at a past meeting with an Annual Financial Report and 2023 budget development process. In the report, the town’s waterworks operational revenue fund was right on target but the last time the town adopted a rate adjustment, there was a promise made to the State the hike would generate $250,000 in to that revenue fund. The town is still $50,000 below this targeted promise. With rising economical costs, rates would have to be revisited within the next six months.

The sewage works is “burning” through cash due to the rising costs of sludge removal and disposal.

The North Judson Town Council members have held several workshops since the update to try and find ways to make cutbacks in order to avoid raising rates but found it was unavoidable.

Town council members have found that the schedule of rates and charges collected by the town from the owners and users of properties served by the waterworks and sewage works of the town need to be adjusted so as to collect sufficient revenues to pay the costs of operation, maintenance, replacement, improvements and indebtedness of the utilities, and provide for annual debt service and reserve requirements.

Phase 2 for both Waterworks and Sewage Works adjustments will begin October 1, 2023 with a Phase 3 for Sewage Works to begin April 1, 2024.

The rates and charges will be based on the quantity of water used on or in the property or premises as measured by the water in use. Upon adoption, rates for the first 5,000 gallons would be $8.25, the next 5,000 gallons would be an additional $7.48. For every 5,000 gallons used, additional charges will be added.

The sewage works rates will go from $13.42 to $14.66 for the first 3,200 gallons upon Phase 2, and $15.25 at Phase 3. Residential users will be charged per month per single family from $60.40 to $66.00 and go up to $68.65 upon Phase 3.

Residents outside of city limits will also see an increase from $15.42 to $16.85 for the first 3,200 gallons in Phase 2 and Phase 3 will adjust it to $17.52.

Fees dependent on the size of the water meter will also see increases as well.

Copies of the detailed waterworks and sewage works schedule of rates and charges are available upon request at the North Judson Clerk’s Office.

No public comments were made during the public hearing session and both amended town ordinances were passed unanimously by the North Judson Town Council members.