North Judson Town Council, Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight

The North Judson Redevelopment Commission will meet tonight to hear updates on the park improvement project and any other additional business deemed necessary by the commission.

Immediately following the Redevelopment Commission meeting, the North Judson Town Council will meet to hear recommendations for approval for a North Judson-San Pierre School Board Trustee appointment.

The town council will also hold a public hearing and adoption on ordinances that amend  the waterworks schedule of rates and charges, and the sewage works schedule of rates and charges.  A public hearing is also set for the re-establishment of the Cumulative Capital Development Fund.  The council will consider a resolution following that hearing. 

The North Judson Town Council will receive updates from Department heads and any other business deemed necessary by the Council.

The North Judson Redevelopment Commission meets tonight at 6 p.m. CT and the North Judson Town Council meets at 6:30 p.m. CT. Both meetings will be held at the North Judson Town Hall at 310 Lane Street.