Knox City Council Presented Certificate of Appreciation

The Knox City Council was presented a certificate of appreciation for being a volunteer and supporter of Starke Tank during their meeting last week.

The council was presented the certificate by Starke County Economic Development Foundation (SCEDF) Executive Assistant Mary Perren. She thanked the council and stated she appreciated them being part of Starke Tank.

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok stated the Starke Tank program goes hand in hand with what the council is trying to do. He said small businesses are the backbone of a small community and the more vibrant they are, the more vibrant a city is.

In a previous meeting, the council approved a motion to donate $2,000 to SCEDF for the sponsorship of Starke Tank this year. Mayor Estok said he was thoroughly impressed with Starke Tank and appreciates all the work SCEDF does for the local community.