Starke County Council, Commissioners to Meet in Joint Session Tonight

The Starke County Council and the Starke County Commissioners will meet in joint session tonight.

Public hearings will be held on proposed budgets for County Government, Starke County Airport, Starke County Solid Waste, and North Judson-San Pierre School Board.

Starke County Community Foundation Director of Development Jacque Ryan will provide a report. Starke County Maintenance Director Ricky Green will present a funding request for heating and cooling for the second floor of the Starke County Courthouse. 

Funding requests for liability insurance, an ambulance and two-full time positions at the Sheriff’s Department will be presented for approval.

Highway Department Superintendent Dan Dipert will have an additional appropriation request and the 4-H Fair Board and Council will provide an update.

The joint session will begin at 4:30 p.m. CT in the ground floor meeting room in the Starke County Annex No. 1 building at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox.