North Judson-San Pierre Schools will return to traditional-style Parent/Teacher Conferences, according to Superintendent Kelly Shepherd.
“We are going back to a traditional Parent/Teacher Conference prior to fall break,” said Shepherd. “It’s been a while since we’ve been in person for parent and teacher meetings and it’s something that we’re going to pivot back to and make that happen this fall. Those are scheduled for October 11 and 12.”
Shepherd noted that parents will have an opportunity to schedule times with teachers between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. CT those days.
Shepherd commented that School Resource Officer Chris Kisela updated the school board recently on security measures at the school corporation.
Shepherd continued, “Officer Chris Kisela and [Business Manager] Dalton Tunis jointly wrote a COPS grant and got a very sizable grant and have done a lot of updates in the safety realm of cameras and radios. The things that you will see around campus – we have a lot of nice window and door coverings which are safety related. They look very nice from the outside. You can’t see in through the glass, but you can see out through those same coverings. That’s been a very nice addition to the way our campus looks, and of course the safety aspect as well.”