Marshall-Starke Special Olympics to Add Powerlifting to Sport Lineup

Officials at Marshall-Starke Special Olympics announced this week that powerlifting will be added to the list of available sports in which Special Olympics athletes can compete.

The organization will be teaming up with local bodybuilder Eric Keen at Hard Knox Gym to offer the sport to those interesting in participating. 

Keen was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at birth, but has gone on to compete in this sport with being named Mr. Wisconsin, Mr. Indiana, and Mr. Florida in bodybilding competitions. He once retired to focus on family, but recently competed in Tampa, Florida where he won Masters Overall.  He continues to help others with intellectual and physical disabilities out of Hard Knox Gym. 

Keen officially has a coaching certification in powerlifting for Special Olympics and students can now begin their journey with this sport. 

Marshall-Starke Special Olympics also offers basketball, swimming, track, doubles bowling, softball, cornhole, and singles bowling to its 80 athletes.

For more information, contact or 574-935-0513.