Knox City Council Recognizes Ron Parker

L to R: Bill Gustafson, Jeff V Berg, Don Kring, Mayor Dennis Estok, Ron Parker, Sherry Cowen, and Clerk-Treasurer Cyndi Mann-Kidder

The Knox City Council members recognized Ron Parker during the council’s last meeting of the year Wednesday night.

Parker served as the councilman for Knox City Council District 2 for 16 years. Travis Schieber will be the next representative in District 2 after defeating Parker in the 2023 Municipal General Election in November.

The council thanked Parker for his many years of dedicated service in the District 2 seat. Knox Mayor Dennis Estok presented Parker with a plaque to commemorate his service to the community since he took office in 2007.

All of the newly elected and re-elected candidates to serve the City of Knox in the capacity of city court judge, mayor, clerk-treasurer and city council have been sworn into office. The Democrat candidates were sworn in Wednesday night while the Republican candidates were sworn in Thursday morning.

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