Test Internet Speed to Assist Broadband Officials in Gathering Federal Funds

Officials with the Indiana Broadband Office are encouraging residents to take a survey and conduct an internet speed test in order to collect information and disburse broadband to underserved areas.

Residents who live in areas without reliable internet access are encouraged to visit www.connectingindiana.com and conduct a speed test. The state will use this data to secure federal funds for broadband deployment in 2024. Local officials want the tri-county area to be well represented to ensure all residents receive reliable connectivity for work and personal use.

All information will be aggregated, and no personal details will be saved. Those taking the survey will be asked to provide a physical address and other details to help the broadband office to better understand individual circumstances. Data will be secure and only used for planning purposes. Conduct the test from a laptap, computer or other Wi-Fi-enabled devices without the use of a cellular network or hotspot. Take the test once per day for a week and ensure that no other use of the internet is ongoing at the time of the test for the best results.