Oregon-Davis Elementary School Receives Literacy Grant

Elementary Principal Ms. Heather Quinn informed the Oregon-Davis School Board members during their recent meeting that Oregon-Davis Elementary School received $17,899.81 for the Early Literacy Achievement Grant.

The Indiana Department of Education’s Early Literacy Achievement Grant was established through House Enrolled Act 1001-2023, to reward schools and teachers for improving students’ foundational reading skills, as evidenced by IREAD-3 data. The legislation has $10 million allocated in each year of the biennium to award cash stipends for teachers, instructional coaches, and other school staff responsible for the implementation and delivery of literacy and reading instruction through grade three.

Early Literacy Achievement Grant award amounts were determined based on the number of students who participated in IREAD-3 in 2023, the number of eligible students who achieved a passing score on IREAD-3 in 2023, the school corporation’s complexity index, the school’s IREAD-3 passage rate growth, if applicable, between 2022 and 2023, the school’s number of eligible students receiving special education services in relation to its average daily membership (ADM), the ADM count, and the school’s number of English learner students in relation to its ADM.