Candidates Continue to File for Office

Candidates continue to file for office for the 2024 Election in the Starke County Clerk’s Office and in the Pulaski County Clerk’s office

In a list updated through Friday, February 2, in Starke County, Democrat Lonnie Boley filed for Starke County Commissioner District 1, Republican Bill R. Crase, Jr. filed for Starke County Council At-Large, and Republican Jerome Jernas filed for Precinct Committeeman. Republican Richard A. Horner filed for State Representative District 20, and Republican James Banks filed for United States Senator from Indiana.

In Pulaski County, Democrat Aaron Hoover filed for Winamac Town Council, Republican Rachel R. Spanley filed for Pulaski County Treasurer, and Republican Isaiah M. Tidwell filed for Pulaski County Council At-Large, Precinct Committee Person, and State Convention Delegate.

Republican Maurice Loehmer filed for Pulaski County Commissioner District 1 and State Convention Delegate, while Republican Kenneth R. Boswell filed for Pulaski County Council At-Large and Precinct Committee Person. Republican Ed Cotner filed for Pulaski County Council At-Large, and Republican Deb. A Marsalik Rogers filed for Precinct Committee Person.

Republicans Mike Braun, Suzanne Crouch and Eric Doden have filed for the Governor of the State of Indiana.

WKVI News will have weekly filing updates as the filing process continues until Friday, February 9 at noon local time.