Starke County Sheriff Announces Employee of Quarter Awards

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Sheriff Jack Rosa presented employee of the quarter awards. Sheriff Rosa selected Corporal Chris Bortone, 911 Director Stacy Noonan, and Sergeant Cassandra Jones.

Sheriff Rosa selected these individuals for displaying outstanding service. Rosa stated, “I am very proud of these individuals, they have all displayed core values of the department and serve the community.”

Corporal Chris Bortone, has been a full time deputy since 2018. Corporal Bortone was appointed to corporal in January. Corporal Bortone has been commended for his high productivity, mentorship, and displaying leadership qualities with his rotation.

911 Director Stacy Noonan started her career in 2011. Stacy always displays a positive attitude. She puts her employees on the forefront and strives to shine light on the profession and make her employees feel valued. Stacy has helped introduce new and innovative technology to our dispatch center with Prepared Live and RapidSOS. Stacy is an invaluable asset and is quick to grab the headset.

Sergeant Casandra Jones has been full time with the Starke County Justice Center since January 2021. Sergeant Jones achieved the rank of sergeant in December 2023. Sergeant Jones has been tasked with supervising jail operations as well as the Sex Offender Registry. Sergeant Jones has been credited with rectifying issues with the registry and making appropriate changes.