Culver Town Manager Kevin Danti gave the Culver Town Council an update on The Dunes project when they met Thursday, May 23.
Danti said the Culver Plan Commission met Tuesday, May 21 where they were going to discuss an application for a major subdivision presented for The Dunes along with the engineering plans, but the topic was tabled. The matter will be revisited June 18 as they continue to look into the storm water engineering against the worse case scenario when it comes to the 100-year flood.
Danti said they are being thorough as there are wetlands in the proposed area. There is an existing northern floodplain there. A high water relief has been installed, but the rate of infiltration of the detention area is being researched. Testing suggests that it is four inches per hour which is plenty to relieve the detention area, but there is concern about the rapid succession of the 100-year rates and there is no visible outlet.
Scott Siple from Midwestern Engineering wants to be sure that it is sound engineering and that the plans can speak for themselves.
More updates will be given when the Plan Commission meets June 18.
The current plan calls for 132 apartments, 48 homes, 28 duplex units, and 20 senior living apartments with the possibility of an additional 73 homes.
According to documents on the project, The Dunes will run along the west side of South Main Street beginning at Davis Street and running south past Wabash Street to the line of evergreens adjacent to the cemetery. The project will wrap around the Culver Garden Court center on the west side of South Main Street at Tampa Street.