Marshall Starke Special Olympics Athletes to Participate in Summer Games

Thirty-eight Marshall Starke Special Olympics athletes, plus coaches and volunteers, will be participating in the Summer Games in Terre Haute in early June.

Athletes will be competing in Track & Field, Swimming, Bowling, and Powerlifting over the course of three days at Indiana State University and Rose Holman.

Athletes, coaches and volunteers will be leaving Culver Thursday, June 6 and they will escorted out of town as they travel south to compete. All public safety divisions are encouraged to participate in the escort and members of the public are welcome to line the sidewalks to wish them well. The caravan will leave the Culver High School at 6 p.m. ET, continue to Academy Road, to Lakeshore Drive past the Culver Beach Lodge and then to Main Street.

For more information, call 574-935-0513.