The Starke County Plan Commission will meet tonight where they will go over the estimated budgets for 2025.
The commissioners will look at Department, Penalty, Unsafe Building, and Public Nuisance Abatement Funds.
They will also receive a code enforcement report.
The Starke County Plan Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. CT tonight followed by the Starke County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting at 6:30 p.m. CT.
The BZA will hold a public hearing on a request for an area variance to build an addition onto an accessory structure on a general business zoned property that will be 20 feet from the center of the road. District restrictions require the setback to be 75 feet from the center of the road. The property is owned by Holston Roger west of 7747 N. State Road 23 in Walkerton.
The BZA members will also look at the estimated budget for 2025.
Both meetings will be held in the ground floor meeting room in the Starke County Annex No. 1 building at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox.