Even though school just let out for the summer, school board members in the area are making plans for the next school year to ensure a great start for students in August.
Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dara Chezem said the school board approved a Memorandum of Understanding with IVY Tech when they met Monday night.
“This MOU is our agreement with them for our dual credit courses and our college core courses in which students can get 30 credits toward their first year of college,” said Chezem.
The board also approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bowen Center which will allow access to work with students when they are clients with the Bowen Center.
“This provides an option for our families, and skills trainers will be required to provide release of information signed by parents to see their clients at school. They’ll provide background checks to our HR Department, and work with building principals for the best time to meet with students during the school day.”
Additionally, the board took action to approve the Classified and Athletic Handbooks for the upcoming school year.