Movies in the Park to Return in North Judson

Movies in the park will return to Norwayne Field in North Judson in July.

The North Judson Town Council has been discussing providing movies in the park once again and Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe prepared the purchase of equipment to revive the community event for consideration by the council Monday night, but it turns out the quote was not needed. Town Attorney Justin Schramm donated a projector, North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Chief Todd Jackson donated a 24-foot screen, and Rowe donated audio services so now the only work to be done is a partnership for movie licensing and families will be able to gather at Norwayne Field once again for movies in the park.

The first event is being planned around a possible Makers Market in July and final details will be released once they become available. The town council will be coordinating with the park board for future events.

Additionally, the council also learned that the splash pad in Norwayne Field is back up and running. Utility Supervisor Kim Kapp said children were making a splash soon after it was repaired.