Culver Community School Board Discusses Cell Phone, Attendance Policy

The Culver Community School Board members took time during their meeting Monday, July 15 to discuss cell phone and attendance policy changes.

Superintendent Karen Shuman explained that the cell phone policy will be that students will not possess cell phones during instructional time. Students in grades 9-12 may use cell phones in between classes and during lunch. Students may use cell phones after school. Shuman said bus drivers may allow students to use cell phones on the bus at the driver’s discretion.

School Board member Mark Maes believes that cell phones should not be used at all during the school day. Shuman pointed out that this policy is aiming at trying to minimize the policing of teachers and administrators concerning cell phone use. Shuman noted that the school board could review and modify the cell phone policy at any time if administrators find it needs to be revisited.

The school board members approved the policy after discussion with the removal of two options of the proposed policy. There will not be cell phone use during instructional time.

Additionally, the school board was presented with the handbooks for the Elementary School and the Middle/High School. Middle/High School Principal Brett Berndt explained that the school will be going back to the bell schedule observed prior to COVID-19 which will include two lunches. Cavalier time was also adjusted so students who were not able to attend before can now attend.

Peak Services is paying for the online piece of Driver’s Education for students and there may be qualifications collected for the driving portion to be free.

One big change was attendance for students in K-12 which follows a state mandate. Students will now be able to only miss 10 days of school, excused or unexcused, for the whole school year, with no consequences. Exceptions will be made for medical concerns and certified absences.

The school handbooks were approved with a unanimous vote. Students will receive handbooks at the beginning of the year.