Eastern Pulaski School Board Takes Action on Request to Continue After School Tutoring

After school tutoring will continue at the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation, thanks to action taken by the school board this week.

Superintendent Dara Chezem said after school tutoring has taken place since COVID-19 for students in grades 6-12 which had been paid for through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief, or ESSER funding. That funding runs out at the end of September.

Chezem stated, “The Middle School and High School principals requested continuing this program through the Education Fund. The cost of the tutoring is approximately $18,000 total for both buildings. This pays for two-to-four teachers per group, depending on the number of students attending the tutoring. Tutoring is both voluntary and assigned, depending on student cirucumstances.”

The board approved the request as presented.