North Judson Town Council Approves Quote for Fencing at Highland Cemetery, Council to Meet Tonight

The North Judson Town Council members discussed quotes for fencing at the Highland Cemetery when they met July 1.

Town Manager Joe Leszek said black chain link fence will be installed on the east side of the cemetery with no gate. Quotes came from White’s Fencing with $13,600, Mullet’s Fencing from Plymouth with $13,890.21, and Custom Fencing out of Warsaw with $14,700.

The council unanimously approved the lowest quote from White’s Fencing.

Additionally, a committee was formed to look at improving the fencing at the cemetery. They agreed that it would be beneficial to take chunks of the wrought iron fence to repair it and reinstall it, but that will likely be done with in-kind labor for that portion of the project.

The North Judson Town Council will meet tonight where they will get updates on the park project, the electric vehicle charging station grant, and a picnic table donation.

The council will discuss a planning workshop for the 2025 budget and a timeline for budget meetings and public hearings.

Department heads will provide reports a necessary.

The North Judson Town Council will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. CT at the North Judson Town Hall at 310 Lane Street. Prior to the regular meeting, at 6 p.m. CT, the Redevelopment Commission will meet where the members will discuss the park project and downtown beautification projects.