Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Change Orders with Courthouse Project

The Pulaski County Commissioners reviewed change orders regarding the Pulaski County Courthouse renovation project during a special meeting Friday, July 19.

Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer said Tonn and Blank contractors found that the slab of concrete in the basement will need to be removed after all. Prior to the start of the project, during the bidding process, the commissioners agreed to not remove the entire slab of concrete and to only repair what is badly needed in order to save costs. Origer explained that as the contractors started to remove pieces of concrete, they found that areas are crumbling and moisture is an issue in other areas and it could worsen if the entire slab is not replaced.

Origer commented that the work is highly labor intensive.

The commissioners agreed to approve two change orders to remove the entire slab of concrete and to adjust work to a wall in the Recorder’s office. The approximate total of the change orders is $80,000.