During the July 1 meeting of the Starke County Commissioners, Roberta Lee approached the commissioners to address issues she has with Starke County’s current solar farm installations. She stated she has reviewed and compiled a comprehensive binder of documentation highlighting alleged deficiencies in the permitting, oversight and compliance process for all of the solar projects currently going on. She presented each commissioner with a binder and announced many deficiencies she has found within the permits.
She asked for an update during the commissioners meeting Monday, July 15.
Commission President Don Binkley stated that all of the documents could be found in the auditor’s office. Lee stated she will be getting the documents she is looking for in the office.
Lee asked about solar panels installed on a flood plain and Starke County Council President Dave Pearman clarified that there are panels in ground that is considered the flood fringe where panels can be legally installed in the county and is allowable by the state. Lee further inquired about elevation certificates and Planning Commission Administrator Mary Beever said elevation level certificates typically pertain to habitable structures where people reside.
Pearman went on to say that all of required documents were executed in public meetings and put into place with no documents missing. He wanted it to be sure that it was on the record that everything that the county was accused of not having was filed and that it was done properly.
Lee said she simply stated that it appeared that the paperwork was missing. She wants to ensure that things are streamlined when it comes to documentation.
She then asked for a six-month moratorium in order to revisit the solar ordinance to separate battery storage from the original ordinance. Commissioner Charles Chesak made a motion to impose a six-month moratorium which died for a lack of a second. Binkley said he would ask the Planning Commission to look into it.
Starke County Attorney Justin Schramm stressed that it is important for members of the public to fill out proper requests when asking to obtain documents from any county office.