Several residents discussed the Mint Festival during the public comment portion of the North Judson Town Council meeting.
There was a suggestion of moving the festival from Lane Street to Keller Avenue and Main Street to be closer to Norwayne Field and to provide more space. Lane Street could also remain as an area for activities or events as planned. A meeting with a NIPSCO representative and interested residents was planned this week to discuss feasibility and costs of electricity upgrades to move to Keller Avenue which will be presented to the town council members in a future meeting. Town Manager Joe Leszek was also planning to be a part of that discussion.
Council President John Rowe said discussions have been held in the past where power was a big, costly issue in moving the festival to Keller Avenue. He said there could be funds in the Redevelopment Commission’s budget to help pay for that part of the change, if approved by committee members. The idea is to help the festival grow. There could also be donations toward the project.
Rowe suggested that there needs to be efforts made by the committee to be susceptible to make changes.
A meeting of the North Judson Mint Festival is scheduled for tonight (Thursday, August 22) at 6:30 p.m. CT at the North Judson-Wayne Township Public Library. Interested residents are welcome to attend the meeting. Donna Henry from the Mint Festival commented that the meeting will specifically be to fill out certificates of appreciation for all sponsors and get them in the mail. Henry said there is also room for any volunteers who would like to help with the Mint Festival. She will be looking at the by-laws to see if there is room to put more residents on the committee.
Other public comment included the placement of stationary garbage cans in the downtown area, a date change for the town-wide yard sale to be held earlier than the regular August date, high grass and other vegetation eyesores at certain residences in town, town clean-up efforts, and obtaining grants that assist the betterment of the town’s taxpayers.