Eastern Pulaski School Board Approves Advertisement of Budget

The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved the advertisement of the 2025 budget during their meeting Monday night.

According to the Notice to Taxpayers on the Indiana Gateway website, the Rainy Day Fund is $725,000, the Debt Service Fund is $1,121,000, the Education Fund is just over $8.4 million, and the Operations Fund is just over $5.6 million for a total budget of about $15.9 million.

The board plans on buying two new buses in 2025, three buses in 2026, and two buses in the years 2027 through 2029. There are several building improvement projects listed for 2025 in the Capital Projects Plan. Any proposed projects over $10,000 are required to be listed in the plan.

Superintendent Dara Chezem said along with the board’s approval of the advertisement of the budget, they approved an amendment to the budget calendar to include a change in the public hearing date.

“We had originally had the budget hearing scheduled for September 23 at 5:30 p.m. ET and that has been moved to September 30 due to the Fall Indiana School Boards Association Conference,” said Chezem.

With the public hearing set for September 30, as part of the budget schedule, the board plans to adopt the 2025 budget during their meeting Monday, October 14. Both the public hearing and the adoption meetings will begin at 5:30 p.m. ET on their respective days and will be held in the Meeting Conference Center at the Winamac Community High School.