Starke County Treasurer Asks Commissioners to Install New Drop Box

Starke County Treasurer Lauri Venckus asked the commissioners last week for permission to replace the drop box outside of her office.

She explained that the current drop box is not secure. She would like to clear out the hill by her office on the ground floor of the Starke County Annex No. 1 building, put in a retaining wall, put in a new sidewalk and put in a cabinet and outdoor drop box in the treasurer’s office so that it is accessible indoors by the treasurer. She wants a more secure, reliable way for residents to drop off property tax payments or any other transactions if it is easier for them to access the outdoor drop box.

She noted a camera is right outside the office so there would be a clear view of the drop box when it is installed.

The commissioners agree that it needs to be replaced and asked Venckus to get at least three quotes for the work. They will review the quotes and make a decision in a future meeting.