Recent National Drug Take Back Day a Success

The National Drug Take Back Day held October 26 was a success.

The Starke County Sheriff’s Office reported the collection of 120 pounds of unwanted, expired or unused prescription medications. Residents dropped off those prescription medications over a four hour spans at the Starke County Sheriff’s Office, Bass Lake-California Township Fire Department, and the Koontz Lake-Oregon Township Fire Station.

There were 20,590 pounds of collected medications throughout Indiana and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reports 314 tons of medication were collected from 4,644 sites throughout the United States.

Since 2010, the DEA, along with its partners, has collected nearly 19.2 million pounds of old and unwanted prescription drugs. Overall, 560,000 pounds of prescription drugs have been collected in Indiana

Another Drug Take Back Day will be scheduled in April 2025.