Starke County Commissioners Approve Moratoriums for Commercial Solar Energy Systems, Battery Energy Storage Systems

The Starke County Commissioners approved moratoriums as recommended by the Starke County Plan Commission.

Starke County Planning Administrator Mary Beever brought forward a moratorium ordinance for 12 months concerning Commercial Energy Storage Systems as recommended by the Starke County Plan Commission by a majority vote. Commissioner Mike VanDeMark, who is the Commissioner representative on the Plan Commission, made a motion to approve the moratorium which was seconded by Commission President Charles Chesak. The motion was approved 2-1 with Commissioner Don Binkley opposed to the motion.

Beever also brought forward a moratorium ordinance for 12 months concerning Battery Energy Storage Systems as recommended by the Starke County Plan Commission. Commissioner VanDeMark made a motion to approve the moratorium which was seconded by Commission President Charles Chesak. The motion was approved 2-1 with Commissioner Don Binkley opposed to the motion.

Beever said she certified the votes of the Plan Commission.

The moratoriums go into effect at the time of approval by the Starke County Commissioners and they will be published.

Additionally, the Commissioners voted 2-1 to accept the resignation of Plan Commission members Denise Cultice and Todd Jackson. Each vote found Commissioners VanDeMark and Chesak in favor of the motion to accept their resignations with Commissioner Binkley opposed.

The Commissioners are looking for one Democrat candidate and one Republican candidate to serve on the Starke County Plan Commission. Any interested candidate can submit a letter to the commissioners in care of the Starke County Auditor at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox to be considered for a seat during an upcoming meeting of the Starke County Commissioners.