Starke County Commissioners Discuss New Vehicles for Sheriff’s Department

Starke County Sheriff Jack Rosa presented the Starke County Commissioners with quotes for new vehicles Monday night.

Sheriff Rosa had quotes for one new and two used vehicles to try and upgrade the fleet. He said the vehicles in use now by the deputies have high miles and he would like to to bring in newer vehicles to keep safe vehicles on the roads. He said the current vehicles in use have close to 200,000 miles on them and are a maintenance nightmare.

Sheriff Rosa also presented quotes for two new vehicles. He said the models are 2023 models, but they are new vehicles.

Commissioner Mike VanDeMark said he favored having two new vehicles on the fleet to make sure the department has new, reliable equipment and warranties.

In the end, the commissioners unanimously approved a motion to purchase two new 2023 Ford vehicles from Tom Kelly Ford in Decatur, Indiana at the purchase price of $83,292. The vehicles will also need to be outfitted with lights, radios and other necessary equipment which could cost upward of $15,000. The commissioners also approved that cost.

The appropriation will need to go before the Starke County Council for final approval and from which fund the money will be appropriated. The money budgeted for vehicles is not typically figured into the Sheriff’s Department budget, but rather brought before the commissioners and council for annual approval.