Winamac Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Winamac Town Council members will meet tonight where they will hear from Rhonda Wilson, local coordinator for America 250, and Aaron Hoover concerning the cemetery committee.

Town Manager Brad Zellers will discuss cemetery mowing, sidewalks and lighting, police phones, and police vacation.

Clerk-Treasurer Kendra Craft will ask for approval of fire contracts for Harrison and Jefferson Townships, and the approval of uncashed and undelivered checks. An ordinance will be offered for consideration that pertains to delegating authority to the Clerk-Treasurer to upload required local government contracts.

Reports will also be provided by Electric Department Superintendent Doug Shorter, Water/Street Superintendent Jeremy Beckner, Wastewater Department Superintendent Jack Buckman, and Winamac Police Chief Branson Eber.

The Winamac Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. ET tonight at the Winamac Utilities Complex at 623 W. 11th Street in Winamac.