The owner of 6 N. Pearl Street in Knox appeared before the Knox Board of Public Works members on Wednesday morning to bring them up to speed on renovation efforts at the home.
Culver Town Council President Assists with Regional Stellar Effort
Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe shared with the town council members this week that she worked with Marshall County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Jerry Chavez in the county’s application for the regional Stellar Communities Designation Program.
Culver Town Council to Hold Public Hearings on Monday
The Culver Town Council members will hold two public hearings on Monday, April 30 to discuss the Culver Beach Lodge and Cavalier Park projects.
Knox Board of Works Awards Street Paving Bids
A bid was awarded Wednesday morning for two street projects in the City of Knox.
Culver Town Council Approves Radio Read Purchase
The Culver Town Council members approved the purchase of new water meters for 600 users.
Starke County Sheriff Discusses Community Service
Community service may make a comeback as a condition of a misdemeanor sentence after recent discussions with Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin, Jail Warden Phil Cherry and Starke County Chief Probation Officer Shawn Mattraw.
Starke County Council Gets Youth Club Update
Starke County Youth Club Executive Director Irene Szakonyi updated the Starke County Council members on what projects students are working on in the after school program.
She mentioned that Youth Lead is one of the special programs that students are participating in to help them create the footsteps of leadership.
Knox Box Approved for Three Starke County Buildings
The Starke County Commissioners considered the purchase of a Knox Box.
Starke County Coroner Updates Commissioners on Autopsy Costs, Testing
The autopsy pricing deal that Starke County officials thought was a good one through the Lake County Coroner’s Office isn’t as good as initially thought.
Culver Park Naming Contest Proposed
Entries are now closed for the street naming contest for a portion of road at the Sand Hill Farms workforce development housing project in the Town of Culver. However, an opportunity to name the town park may come available.
Microvote Representative Discusses Operating System Upgrade in Voting Machines
The Starke County Council members were notified Monday night that the county’s Microvote machines may need an operating system update.
Jan Dollahan, Jr. on Trial in Starke Circuit Court
A Starke Circuit Court jury is expected to hear testimony today in a case involving the alleged disregard of a protective order and criminal recklessness.
Starke County Commissioners to Put Teeth into Dog Ordinance
The Starke County Commissioners will soon revamp the county’s dog ordinance to put responsibility on owners to keep track of their pets.
Culver Town Council President Assists County with Stellar Letter of Intent
Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe told the town council members last week that she had the chance to help county officials with a letter of intent to seek Stellar status.
Starke County Commissioners, Council Discuss Jail CAD System
Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin shared information with the Starke County Council and Starke County Commissioners Monday night about the need for a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for emergency services.
Ribbon Cutting Date Set for Damore Amphitheater
The ribbon cutting ceremony to officially welcome the completion of the Damore Amphitheater is scheduled for Friday, June 22 at 6 p.m. ET at the Culver Town Park.
Culver Utility Superintendent Requests to Purchase New Water Meters
Culver Utility Superintendent Bob Porter asked the town council members for permission to upgrade the meter reading software to a radio read program and purchase new water meters.
Oregon-Davis Schools to Offer Summer Food Service Program
The Oregon-Davis School Corporation will offer free meals to all children ages 18 and younger and those who are over the age of 18 who are enrolled in a state-approved educational program for the mentally or physically disabled.
Starke County Council, Commissioners to Meet Tonight
The Starke County Council members will discuss a request from Sheriff Bill Dulin about a new CAD system when they meet tonight. Sheriff Dulin said in a previous meeting that an update with the current system limits what the staff can use in terms of gathering pertinent information concerning drug cases for the application of grant funds. A new program could cost upwards of $150,000, which was the last preliminary estimate figured by Dulin, but he will have more information for the council members tonight.
Starke County Community Organizations Active in Disaster Group to Meet
A group that will aim to set guidelines for a natural disaster will be meeting in a couple of weeks.