Smoke Detectors Available for Culver Residents

In recognition of National Fire Prevention Month, the Culver-Union Township Fire Department has smoke detectors available to those in the jurisdiction who need them. The smoke detectors are available at the Culver Town Hall or at the firehouse at 611 State Street.

Fire Chief Terry Wakefield announced that firefighters will be willing to install smoke detectors for those who are disabled or otherwise physically incapable of completing the task. Continue reading

Starke County Council to Meet Tonight


The Starke County Council will meet tonight where public hearings are scheduled for the 2018 county budget as well as the 2018 budget for the Starke County Solid Waste District. The council is also expected to adopt the 2018 budget for the Starke County Airport.

The council held public hearings on these items in a prior meeting, but the hearings could not be counted as legal as a proper quorum was not in place. Three council members were physically in attendance while another was present via teleconference which didn’t count as a legal meeting.

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La Porte Officers Find Two Non-Compliant Sex Offenders


Law enforcement officers throughout La Porte County participated in “Operation Boo”, an effort to check the compliance of those on the county’s sex offender registry.

Officers targeted 88 offenders and only two were found to be non-compliant.

Sheriff John Boyd said the effort was conducted prior to Halloween as a cautionary measure. He added that the compliance sweep keeps the offenders in check as they will be closely monitored during the hours children will be out trick-or-treating.

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Culver Town Council Considers Resolution for Residential Tax Abatement

The Culver Town Council members conducted a public hearing Tuesday night concerning a resolution to deem the Sand Hill Farms property an economic target area and an economic revitalization area per state statute for purposes of residential tax abatement. The abatement would be 100 percent for 10 years.

The Sand Hill Farms property will be home to a workforce development housing project offering 24-unit apartments.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where the members will conduct a public hearing on the Sand Hill Farm residential tax abatement. The council will then consider a adopting a declaratory resolution designating the real estate containing the housing development as an economic target area and within an economic revitalization area for purposes of property tax abatement

The town council members will also consider second and third readings on the 2018 budget ordinance as well as an ordinance that establishes fees or costs for the Town of Culver Park and Recreation Department. Continue reading

Starke County Highway Department Improving Road Safety

The Starke County Highway Department is installing a safety precaution at some of the more dangerous intersections in the county.

Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler informed the county commissioners Monday night that reflective strips are being added to the poles that hold traffic signs. Stop signs have the added traffic control device to increase visibility and safety.

“You don’t really notice them that much during the day, but at night they really make a difference,” said Ritzler. “Material-wise it’s $25 an intersection. If we prevent one accident a year, it pays for all of the intersections to be done with these strips. An average accident costs $30,000 to $40,000. Over the next couple of years, we’ll do all of the intersections. We’re doing all of the main roads now and the intersections we know are dangerous.” Continue reading

October is National Cybersecurity Month

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is encouraging all residents to take the necessary steps to achieve cyber security starting by getting an edr.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security encourages you to take simple steps to safeguard yourself online and to learn strategies on how to recover from a cyber attack.

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Two Arrested after Traffic Stop

Crystal Williams
Joseph Bihlmayer

Two Knox residents were arrested overnight Friday after a traffic stop in the area of Rose Road and Lincoln Highway in Marshall County.

Marshall County Police say a K9 searched the 2006 Kia passenger vehicle and indicated the presence of narcotics. Officers reportedly found two used syringes under the passenger seat, plus 3.5 grams of heroin hidden underneath the floor carpeting on the driver’s side. Other items of drug paraphernalia were also allegedly collected.

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Culver Man Arrested on Suspicion of Auto Theft

Ronald Bryan Finchum

Culver man was arrested Wednesday after Marshall County police received a call about an apparent car theft from a residence in the 7,000 block of 11A Road.

An officer with the Bourbon Police Department conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle reportedly matching the description of the stolen vehicle. During the course of the investigation, police reportedly found 58-year-old Ronald Bryan Finchum in possession of methamphetamine.

Finchum was booked into the Marshall County Jail on preliminary felony charges of auto theft and possession of methamphetamine.

Local Woman Wins Influential Woman Award

Rachel Oesterreich

One of the employees at the Starke County Highway Department was recently awarded the 2017 Most Influential Woman of Northwest Indiana.

Rachel Oesterreich was the winner in the Economic Development and Government category of the award. She is the office manager at the highway department.

Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler told the commissioners Monday night that she is very deserving of the award.

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