A Knox woman was taken into custody Saturday, July 29 around 5:20 p.m. ET after a traffic stop by Plymouth Police Department officers.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Adjusts Golf Cart Ordinance
Culver Town Council Sets Work Session About Sewer Rates
Crimes Against Children Task Force Unveils New Website
The Indiana Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force has created a new website that will provide the public with information relative to reporting internet crimes against children as well as resources, statistics, and applicable statutes.
Continue readingWest Central Schools to See Reduction in Title I Grant
The West Central School Corporation is seeing a $15,000 reduction in its Title I grant. The money benefits Title I programs and events like “Muffins with Mom,” “Donuts with Dad,” and “Family Literacy Night.” Continue reading
Student Registration Set for West Central Schools
School officials at the West Central School Corporation have announced the time and dates to register for the 2017-2018 school year. West Central registration will be Monday, July 31st from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tuesday. August 1st from 3p.m. to 7 p.m. ET.
Along with many schools in the listening area, West Central is offering students the opportunity to register online. Those wishing to register online can do so at www.wcsc.k12.in.us. Online registration will open on Monday, July 31st at 6 a.m. and close on Tuesday, August 1st at midnight.
Knox Community School Board Selects New Superintendent
The Knox Community School Corporation has a new school superintendent.
Dr. William Reichhart, who most recently was the Superintendent of Schools at Manchester Community Schools, was named the new superintendent during last night’s Knox Community School Board meeting.
West Central School Board Begins Discussions on Renovation Project
The West Central School Board will meet in a work session yet this month to discuss school renovation plans.
The board members reviewed blueprints Thursday night presented by Adam Weesner from Barton-Coe-Vilamaa with plans to redesign the school’s entrances and rehabilitate the utilization of space. The project is planned for construction in the spring of 2018.
Railroad Township Advisory Board to Re-Do School Board Appointment
The Railroad Township Advisory Board will meet again tomorrow (Thursday) night to appoint a North Judson-San Pierre School Board member. Continue reading
Leadership Starke County Recruiting 6th Class
Recruiting is under way for the sixth annual Leadership Starke County class. It begins Sept. 22 and meets once per month through May at locations around the county. Continue reading
N.J.-S.P. School Board to Conduct 1028 Public Hearing on Proposed Bond Issue Tonight
The next step in the proposed North Judson-San Pierre School renovations is a public hearing during a special-called meeting tonight.
The school board will conduct the statutory 1028 Public Hearing and pass an the necessary resolutions to move the project forward during their 7 p.m. meeting at the central office. Continue reading
Next Knox Movie in the Park Scheduled Tomorrow Night
Bring your lawn chairs or blankets to Wythogan Park in Knox tomorrow for the city’s next family movie in the park. Continue reading
AAA Predicts Record Independence Day Travel
A record number of travelers will be leaving home this Independence Day weekend, according to AAA.
Nationwide, 44.2 million Americans are expected to travel 50 or more miles from home via plane, train, automobile or ship. That number marks an increase of 1.25 million travellers over last year. If you were to Find Out More on the reasons why people are easily able to travel, then it’s because of the economical rates of car rental companies which can be found on https://scvehiclehire.co.uk/.
Closer to home, more than 1 million Hoosiers are expected to travel over the holiday period. That’s a 3.2 percent increase over 2016.
Continue readingState Health Officials Encourage HIV Testing
Today is National HIV Testing Day, and Hoosiers are urged to learn their status. The human immunodeficiency virus weakens a person’s immune system by destroying cells that fight disease and infection. You learn more about different diseases at https://reportshealthcare.com/blue-waffle-disease-know/ Read for yourself to know how to prevent them.
It can be transmitted sexually, through shared needles, blood, breast milk and other bodily fluids. HIV can also progress to a severe condition called acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Continue reading
IRS Warns Tax Industry of Phishing Emails
The IRS, along with the tax industry and state tax agencies,warn tax professionals to beware of phishing emails Continue reading
Starke Council Proposes Annex 2 Utility Split
The Starke County Council has come up with a proposal to pay for utilities at the former jail. Now known as Annex 2, it houses the probation and health departments, Starke County Community Corrections and Purdue Extension. Continue reading
Shoe Drive Marches Toward Education Funding Goal
The local chapter of an international organization wants your old shoes. Philanthropic Educational Organization, P.E.O. for short, has teamed up with an organization called Funds2Orgs.com for a shoe drive. The nonprofit international women’s sisterhood raises money to help women meet their educational goals and dreams. Local member Jacalyn Ciboch says the local chapter is very active.
Continue readingKnox Community School Corporation Plans for 2017-18
The Knox Community School Corporation has announced registration dates for the 2017-2018 school year. Continue reading
Beware of Skimmers at the Pump
Make sure you take extra precaution when visiting the gas station. Skimmers, illegal card readers that grab data off a credit or debit card, are becoming more and more undetectible. Continue reading
Wander our Winamac to Offer Business Startup Workshop
On June 27th The organization, Wander our Winamac is hosting a business start-up work shop. This conference is aimed to help entrepreneurs evaluate their business ideas. Continue reading