Starke County Youth Club Programs Prepare Students for Workforce

The Starke County Youth Club’s after school and summer programs are helping to prepare youngsters in all grade levels for life after graduation. Program Director Melissa Smith-Watkins oversees all six sites. Ultimately she says they want to help Starke County thrive by teaching skills like collaboration, problem solving and goal setting to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Continue reading

Starke County Youth Club Programs Reinforce Curriculum

After-school programs offered by the Starke County Youth Club at six sites across the county are designed with curriculum in mind. Executive Director Irene Szakonyi says they serve students in kindergarten through 12th grade at Knox, North Judson-San Pierre and Oregon-Davis. She notes the homework centers are mapped out by grade level. Students receive very specific help with their homework assignments. Continue reading

Starke County Youth Club Prepares for Annual Radiothon

The Starke County Youth Club needs the public’s help to continue fulfilling their mission. Executive Director Irene Szakonyi says they meet a critical need in the community.

“The Starke County Youth Club is a youth development agency supporting children and families with after school, summer and recreational programs. We do that all across the county for kids in K through 12. We’re the only after-school provider in our county, and so we’re meeting some really critical needs.” Continue reading

Proposed Starke County Truck Route Ordinance Set for Second Reading Tonight

The Starke County Commissioners will consider a proposed truck route ordinance on second reading when they meet this evening.

Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler has been working with a committee comprised of county officials, farmers, Sheriff Bill Dulin and Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Charlie Weaver on the policy.

The eventual goal is to have several local hot-mix asphalt roads to accommodate heavy truck traffic in addition to the highways that crisscross Starke County. Ritzler says eventually all locations in the county will be within a mile of such a road. Continue reading

North Judson Council Addresses Potential Cell Tower Law


The North Judson Town Council on Saturday hurriedly passed a resolution to prohibit small cell phone towers from cropping up within their rights of way. It establishes an underground and buried utility district to restrict the addition of any sort of new pole insidethe town limits without council permission. A petition must be brought before the town council, and a public hearing is required. Continue reading

North Judson Town Marshal Appeals Termination

North Judson Town Marshal John Ramos and Officer Frank Thomas

North Judson’s recently terminated town marshal has filed a formal appeal of his firing. The town council fired John Ramos during a special-called meeting on Friday, April 21. He had until 5 p.m. the following Friday to appeal. Town council members did not publicly announce a reason for Raoms’ dismissal. Continue reading

Judge Lowers Bond for Augusta Hadden, Imposes Conditions on Potential Release

Augusta Hadden

The woman charged in connection with last month’s murder of a Knox man may soon be out of jail on bond, but she will still be subject to strict restrictions. Augusta Hadden, 39, is charged with the level 5 felony offense of assisting a criminal. Court documents indicate she threw a cell phone out of a truck driven by murder suspect Edward Blackburn after he fatally shot Cord Colgrove at a rural North Judson residence on March 3rd. Continue reading