N.J.-S.P. Board Schedules Work Session

BluejayThe North Judson-San Pierre School Board will discuss whether or not to transition to an elected board during a work session meeting this evening. The 6:30 p.m. session is open to the public, but no formal action can be taken. Members plan to review input from residents offered via Google survey as well as comments shared during a public meeting last week held for the sole purpose of letting the public weigh in on the contentious topic. A total of 10 people spoke, with seven favoring an elected board. Continue reading

Starke Council to Consider Ambulance, Courthouse Security Recommendations

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Council will conduct a couple of budget hearings and consider several requests for funds when they meet this evening. The Starke County, North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation and Solid Waste budgets are all on the agenda for the 5:30 p.m. session. So is discussion of a possible payroll increase of between 1 and 2 percent in the Starke County budget. Continue reading

Eastern Pulaski Renovations Wrapping Up

 Extensive building renovations at the Eastern Pulaski Schools are almost finished. Superintendent Dan Foster anticipates substantial completion by mid-October, which is mostly on schedule. He says the elementary is down to cleanup work and putting the finishing touches on the fifth grade classroom and restrooms. Continue reading