Hamlet Town Council Adopts 2020 Budget

The Town of Hamlet’s 2020 budget was adopted by the town council Wednesday. Overall, it totals just over $448,000, according to Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts. “So we’re asking for, in General [Fund], $311,034, which was cut a little bit,” she explained. “[Local Road & Street] is $7,250, which is about the same as last year. [Motor Vehicle Highway] is $54,600, also cut a little bit. The Park was cut a lot – asking for $8,600.”

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Culver Community Schools Corporation Gets Over $43,000 in Energy Efficiency Rebates

Lighting installation taking place at Culver Community Middle/High School in July

The Culver Community Schools Corporation has gotten a sizable rebate, thanks to its recent LED lighting project. An energy efficiency rebate check was presented during Monday’s school board meeting, according to Superintendent Karen Shuman. “NIPSCO, Lockheed, and Trane were here to present us a check for $43,403.35,” she says.

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Hamlet Town Council to Vote on 2020 Budget Tonight

The Town of Hamlet’s 2020 budget will be up for adoption during tonight’s town council meeting. Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts is proposing a reduction of almost $19,000 from this year’s budget, since more money is expected to be lost to the property tax cap. Hamlet’s proposed budget totals more than $448,000, with just over $311,000 of that being the General Fund.

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Medaryville Town Council Still Weighing Options for Water Tower Financing

Discussion about how to pay for a new water tower continued during last week’s Medaryville Town Council meeting. Bids for the construction of a water tower across the street from the town hall came in much higher than expected. Now, town officials are considering three financing options to fill a funding gap of more than $200,000.

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