North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Chief Addresses Weekend Fire Truck Accident

North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Chief Joe Leszek is expressing relief that Sunday’s fire truck accident wasn’t much worse. A tanker truck was responding to a house fire near County Roads 500 South and 650 West, when Leszek says a combination of ice and traffic conditions caused it to slip off the roadway and roll over at about 15 miles per hour.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Transfers $180,000 from Rainy Day Fund to Retirement Fund

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation is tapping into its Rainy Day money to help shore up its Retirement Fund. Superintendent Bill Bennett says the school board agreed last week to transfer $180,000. “In past collective bargaining agreements, we had teacher buyouts or incentives for retiring,” Bennett explains. “And so we moved the money from Rainy Day into the Retirement Fund to cover the cost associated with those buyouts.”

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Knox Board of Works Renews Fire Protection Agreements with Center, Jackson Townships

The City of Knox is hoping to streamline the approval process for fire protection agreements. The board of works recently agreed to continue letting Center Township and part of Jackson Township get fire protection from the Knox-Center Township Volunteer Fire Department for 2021. Center Township will once again pay $30,000 for the year, while Jackson Township’s cost is $5,000.

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