Marshall County Commissioners Name Highway Department Appointments


The Marshall County Commissioners approved new hires for two new positions at the highway department.

On Monday morning, Commissioner Deb Griewank presented the recommendations of Laurie Baker as the administration manager at the highway department and Jason Peters as the supervisor of county highways. Baker is currently working in Judge Dean Colvin’s office in superior court while Peters is serving in the capacity of interim highway superintendent.

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Knox City Council to Discuss Ordinances

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council will meet tonight where more discussion will be held concerning two ordinances.

The tall grass ordinance is expected to be passed on third and final reading. At the last council meeting, the council members agreed to change the height from six to eight inches as the benchmark for needing to mow grass or rank vegetation. The other change the council members approved was an additional penalty. The current ordinance has a fine of $25 for any person who violates the ordinance. The members approved an increase to $75 for the violation.

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Starke County Commissioners Weighing Beach Options

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Commissioners will have some pointed questions for Bass Lake Beach and Campground Manager Richard Callahan and his attorney, David Wallsmith, when they meet tonight. They attend the evening meetings each month and give a management report. During the July 7 commissioners meeting, several residents complained about the conditions at the beach and campground over the Independence Day weekend. Continue reading

Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today


The Marshall County commissioners will meet this morning at 9:30 a.m. ET where a packed agenda will meet the commission members.

The commissioners plan to make highway appointments and to hear updates from the CASA director, health department, building department and County Attorney James Clevenger.

A public hearing is set for 10 a.m. ET on a zoning ordinance amendment that pertains to sign standards. Anyone wishing to comment on the ordinance may appear at this time.

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West Central Registration Dates Announced

west central logoThe West Central School Corporation will be opening doors to students soon.

Students can register for classes on Monday, Aug. 4 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Tuesday, Aug. 5 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET. Textbook rental fees will be due. A $15 technology fee will be added for students receiving a technical device. The rental fee for sixth through twelfth grade will be based on courses taken and will be calculated at the time of registration.

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INDOT to Close SR 23 for Chip Sealing


Motorists who take State Road 23 through Walkerton will need to find a new route for the next few days. INDOT is closing the road between U.S. 30 and U.S. 6 to perform chip and fog sealing. The process preserves the road surface. INDOT officials stress the work is dependent on dry weather and may be delayed if conditions are not ideal. Southbound motorists can take U.S. 6 south to U.S. 35 and east to U.S. 30 to get around the closure. Northbound motorists can use the opposite route. Continue reading

N.J.-S.P. Revises Budget Adoption Calendar

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board has revised its budget adoption calendar. The corporation was selected as part of a state pilot program and as a result cannot adopt a budget until Oct. 15. The Starke County Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, Aug. 18 on the school corporation’s general, debt, pension and transportation funds. The next day the school board will meet in special session to adopt the 2015 Capital Projects Fund and Bus Replacement Plan. Continue reading

LeRoy Gudeman Retires from Law Practice after 57 Years

LeRoy Gudeman
LeRoy Gudeman

After having a long, successful law practice in Starke County, LeRoy Gudeman has decided to retire.

Gudeman worked by himself out of the same building across the street from the Starke County Courthouse in downtown Knox since moving to the area in 1957. He has been a part of the community in many activities and has been on the Kankakee Valley Broadcasting board of directors that oversees operations at WKVI for many years.

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Winamac Town-Wide Yard Sales Today


Are you looking to save money and to shop local?  The Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Winamac town-wide yard sale today.

Shop to your heart’s delight from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET. Twenty-six addresses are listed on the map that is available at the Pulaski County Chamber office at 102 N. Monticello Street in Winamac.

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