Caucus to Replace NJ Clerk-Treasurer Scheduled for Tomorrow

A caucus to find a replacement for the clerk-treasurer position in North Judson is scheduled for this Thursday. The current clerk-treasurer, Alicia Collins, announced her resignation during the first North Judson Town Council meeting in October.

Alicia Collin’s last North Judson Town Council meeting will be October 16th and her final day at the office is October 20th. She told council members she will make her self available for training during the transition period. Continue reading

Culver Town Council Considers Resolution for Residential Tax Abatement

The Culver Town Council members conducted a public hearing Tuesday night concerning a resolution to deem the Sand Hill Farms property an economic target area and an economic revitalization area per state statute for purposes of residential tax abatement. The abatement would be 100 percent for 10 years.

The Sand Hill Farms property will be home to a workforce development housing project offering 24-unit apartments.

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Update About Upgrades to Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center

An update about ongoing renovations to the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center was provided by Mayor Dennis Estok during last night’s brief Knox City Council meeting.

Mayor Estok told council members that work being done to the heating and air conditioning systems is nearly complete. He said only one compressor still needs to be installed. He went on to say that roofers will be commencing their work this week, possibly as soon as today. Continue reading

Bass Lake Beach Operator Agrees to Concrete Repairs, Asks County to Install Glacial Stone

The operators of the Bass Lake Beach have agreed to make some repairs to the property’s seawall, but they’re asking for the county’s help with some related work. The Starke County Park Board has asked the operator of the facility, Callahan Development, LLC, to stabilize the seawall surrounding the beach house patio.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Discusses Substitute Teacher Pay Policy

A request to increase the pay for a substitute elementary school teacher was up for approval at the Eastern Pulaski Community School Board meeting Monday night.

Superintendent Dan Foster explained that Joan Murray has taken on the roll of a teacher twice so far this year. At the beginning of the year she filled in for Dana Field for five weeks. Most recently, she started subbing for Brandi Kappes and will remain in that position until January.

The superintendent explained that Mrs. Murray has taken on quite a few more responsibilities that warrant additional compensation. Continue reading

Winamac Park Board to Get Architectural Plans for New Town Park Restrooms

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

The Winamac Town Park is a step closer to getting new restrooms. The park board voted last week to hire Mark Maddox to draw up architectural plans for a cost of $3,000. That’s significantly lower than the other bid the town received, for $9,500. The goal is to expand the facility to allow for more toilets and more space for wheelchairs.

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Plethora of Public Input Provided During EPCS Board Meeting

The Winamac High School library was filled with community members attending last night’s Eastern Pulaski Community School Board meeting. Individuals of various walks of life came to defend a faculty member who is currently the subject of an ongoing board investigation. Following the regular meeting, board members were scheduled to hold an executive session regarding alleged misconduct and to discuss job performance evaluation.  Continue reading

Community Mourns the Loss of Retired Starke Circuit Court Judge

Marvin McLaughlin Passing the Indiana Bicentennial Torch in 2016

This week, the Starke County community learned of the passing of long-time Starke Circuit Court Judge Marvin D. McLaughlin. Though he was retired at the time of his death, community members remember his years of service to the county. The 87-year-old North Judson resident was at Pulaski Memorial Hospital when he passed away on Saturday, October 7th.

Marvin McLaughlin attended Butler University and obtained his law degree from Indianapolis University. In 1957, he moved to North Judson to start a law practice. He served as Starke County Prosecutor for four years. McLaughlin went on to serve as a Starke Circuit Court Judge for nearly three decades, from 1963 until his retirement in 1992.  Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where the members will conduct a public hearing on the Sand Hill Farm residential tax abatement. The council will then consider a adopting a declaratory resolution designating the real estate containing the housing development as an economic target area and within an economic revitalization area for purposes of property tax abatement

The town council members will also consider second and third readings on the 2018 budget ordinance as well as an ordinance that establishes fees or costs for the Town of Culver Park and Recreation Department. Continue reading

Knox City Council Meets Tonight

No specific action or discussion items are listed on the agenda for the Knox City Council meeting being held tonight at 7 p.m. in Knox City Hall.

The council will hear reports from Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston and Mayor Dennis Estok. There will be time allotted toward the end of the meeting for citizen’s comments and council items.

In recent meetings, council items included the potential striping of Culver Road and an ordinance pertaining to parking downtown. There is a possibility these items will be revisited tonight but they are not specifically listed on the agenda.

North Judson Town Marshal Reports Concerns Surrounding Semis Braking Near School

The possibility of some “no Jake-brake” signs being installed at the edge of the Town of North Judson was discussed last Monday night at the North Judson Town Council meeting. Town Marshal Kelly Fisher told council members that she’s received some complaints, one from the school corporation and another from a resident, regarding semi-trucks utilizing their noisy engine brakes where the speed limit is reduced on State Road 39/State Road 10 near the location of the schools.

Fisher said “With the speed limit dropping the semis are hitting their “Jake brakes” and its disrupting the school and like I said, a citizen who’s not in very good health, she said it’s bothering her as well.” Continue reading