The Culver Town Council has sent an ordinance designed to revise its permit fees back to committee.
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Greater Police Presence Planned During Holiday Weekend
If you’re hitting the road for Thanksgiving, be on the lookout for more police patrols. Indiana State Police as well, as local law enforcement agencies, are increasing their presence on Indiana roadways for the holiday period. Continue reading
Indiana Lawmakers Observe Missile Launch
A few Indiana lawmakers got the chance to watch a missile launch this past Saturday. Continue reading
Government Offices to Close for Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a holiday, and that means most federal, state, and local government offices will be closed tomorrow. It also means mail won’t be delivered. Continue reading
Starke County Chamber Announces Shricker Honoree
A longtime Starke County Extension Home Economist is the winner of the 2015 Henry F. Schricker Award. Named for the former governor and Starke County native, the award is given annually to a resident who embodies Shricker’s credo of service before self. This year’s committee, comprised of Starke County Chamber of Commerce representatives and former Schricker Award winners, selected Melba Shilling as the honoree. Continue reading
Starke County Road Closed for Bridge Project
WKVI’s Nathan Welter Pays Off Sports Bet
The North Judson-San Pierre High School athletic department is a little bit richer, and WKVI Sports Director Nathan Welter is very sparkly after yesterday’s homecoming pep rally. He’s a Knox graduate known for looking for NBA expert picks and winning big. This time however, he made a different kind of wager with news director Mary Perren, a N.J.-S.P. graduate on the outcome of last week’s game. North Judson won, so Welter had to pay up. Continue reading
Hospital Model Tours Scheduled Today and Thursday
Members of the public can check out the other half of the proposed new IU Health Starke Hospital this week. Workers have set up a scale model of the second half of the project at the former Freeman Products building at the corner of 300 East and Culver Road in Knox. Guided tours of the model, which has been dubbed “cardboard city” will be available from 4 until 6 p.m. today and Thursday. This part of the project features pharmacy, administration, registration, medical/surgical units and therapy services. Continue reading
INDOT Suspends Road Construction for Labor Day
Hoosier motorists will get a break from road construction over the Labor Day weekend. INDOT plans to suspend all possible road restrictions starting at 5 this evening and continuing through 8 a.m. Tuesday. Continue reading
Starke County Coroner Resigns, Interim Sworn-In
Starke County is now working to find a permanent replacement for Coroner Adam Gray.
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Gov. Pence Requests FEMA Grant Funds for 19 Counties
Governor Mike Pence has made a formal request for some counties in Indiana to receive FEMA public assistance grants.
FTC Warns College Students of Pyramid Schemes
The Federal Trade Commission is warning college students of an alleged scam that targets their financial weaknesses.
According to Consumer Education Specialist Alvaro Puig, college students can often be the subject of pitches to make “serious money” in several fields. The most recent operation involves energy drinks.
Culver Learns of County Request for Unsafe Buildings
The Town of Culver got their first taste of an ordinance that looks to better control unsafe buildings in Marshall County.
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Marshall County Police to Conduct Sobriety Patrols
Marshall County Police will be conducting sobriety patrols and checkpoints around the clock for the next couple of weeks. It’s part of the the 2015 nationwide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. Continue reading
New OB/GYN Starts Practice in LaPorte
A new obstetrician/gynecologist is now accepting patients in LaPorte. Continue reading
Indiana Beach Now Open Weekends Only
Kids may be back in school, but there’s still time to head to Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in Monticello. Continue reading
Knox Artist Celebrates Blackhawks Poster Unveiling
A Knox artist was the guest of honor last night at an art gallery in Munster. The latest “Just Around the Corner on the South Shore Line” poster by Mitch Markovitz celebrates the Chicago Blackhawks sports dynasty. He was commissioned by CEO Andy Arnold of Precision Controls of Griffith to do a poster painting entitled “Let’s Go Hawks” to commemorate the team. Continue reading
Starke County Council Discusses Pay Equity
The Starke County Council is looking for ways to level the playing field when it comes to county employee compensation. They want to address the inequity that arises when a new hire comes in making as much as an employee who has been with the county in the same position for several years. Continue reading
Ancilla Officials, Bishop Dedicate Residence Hall
The new residence hall at Ancilla College is ready for the rest of the student body to move in on Friday. The Most Reverend Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese blessed the building during a ceremony yesterday in Donaldson attended by about 200 people. He says the word “Ancilla” is Latin for “handmaid.” When Mary was asked by the angel Gabriel if she would say yes to being the mother of the son of God, she answered, “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your work.” Bishop Rhoades says that act of faith inspired the sisters of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ to found Ancilla College. Continue reading
Commissioners Outline Timeline for Facility Renovations
Proposed renovations to the Starke County Courthouse and old jail building across the street will start next spring and wrap up by the end of 2016 under a timeline adopted last night by the county commissioners. Plans call for the former jail building to be turned into office space for Starke County Community Corrections and the probation department. Purdue Extension will move from the courthouse into the basement, and space will be incorporated for a county morgue facility. Continue reading