Marshall County Commissioners to Discuss Several Items in Today’s Meeting


The Marshall County Commissioners will consider a change order request from USI Consultants’ Bart Trester when they meet today. Trester oversees the 7th Road project and the roundabout project on North Michigan Road in Plymouth. Trester indicated earlier this month that crews are waiting for word from the state to move ahead, barring any more issues with the HMX mix design. The mix of aggregate and asphalt binder is causing buckling pavement in other locations across the state. Crews are awaiting final approval of the combination to install the mix.

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Marshall County Health Department to Implement Breastfeeding Education Programs


The Marshall County Health Department will be doing more to promote breastfeeding programs and support in the community due to a state mandate.

Annette Osborn from the health department explained to the Marshall County Council this week that a part-time WIC employee will need to increase work hours by four hours per week due to the new mandate for breastfeeding education.

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E-Poll Books to be Used in November Election


E-poll books will be used in this November’s Municipal General Election in Marshall County.

The county council Monday morning approved an additional appropriation for the purchase of 15 iPads at a cost of $35,010. The appropriation was advertised prior to the council’s unanimous approval. The iPads will be outfitted with the necessary software to be used for voters to sign in at the polls.

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Marshall County Council to Consider LOHUT Recommendations


The Marshall County Council members will review a recommendation by the Commissioners to implement a Local Option Highway User Tax (LOHUT) to gather revenue for the county for local roads.

State revenue for motor vehicle highway budgets has flatlined. Expenses continue to rise which has left Marshall County with an option to implement a LOHUT. A LOHUT contains a vehicle excise tax and wheel tax that is payable at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles when registrations are due. The revenue generated, which will double what the county highway department currently has available, can be used to construct, reconstruct, repair or maintain streets under county, city or town jurisdiction. Continue reading

Sheriff’s Department to Find New Fund for Proposed Training Facility


The funding for the construction of a proposed firearms training facility in Marshall County may have hit a snag.

Marshall County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Hollopeter along with fellow deputy and president of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge #130 Travis O’Neal presented plans to the Commissioners in April for a firing range and classroom facility on the FOP’s property on Hawthorne Road and State Road 10. The plan was to pay for the facility out of the firearms training line item in the sheriff’s department budget. However, Marshall County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said during a meeting this week that the funding may need to come from another line item. Overmyer mentioned that Auditor Julie Fox contacted the State Board of Accounts. It was determined that the firearms training fund is limited to training and firearms training or training for other law enforcement duties. She found that the particular fund was not appropriate for this construction project. Fox told WKVI News yesterday that this issue is not yet resolved. Phone calls to Sheriff Tom Chamberlin were not returned.

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O-D Principal Encourages Prom Goers to Be Responsible

First responders from the Hamlet and Koontz Lake Fire Departments assisted with the mock crash at Oregon-Davis.
First responders from the Hamlet and Koontz Lake Fire Departments assisted with Thursday’s mock crash at Oregon-Davis High School. The Hamlet Police Department and Starke County EMS also took part in the simulation.

Oregon-Davis High School students are off to prom this evening. High school principal Tim Pletcher wants them all to return to school safely Monday morning.

“The last thing I want to do is come in Monday morning and deal with almost 300 grieving kids because something tragic happened,” Pletcher told the students during a Thursday afternoon program. “You can’t control what other people do. You cannot do that, but if you’ve ever been in my office or in Mr. Estok’s office we talk about there’s one thing you can control, and that’s what you do and what you say.” Continue reading

Circuit Breaker Law Means Less Money for City of Knox Budget

 The Knox City Council was faced with a tough decision last night to approve budget reductions made by departments due to the circuit breaker law.

Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston explained the reductions made to the budget to the council members.

“The circuit breaker credits equal $261,249.27,” said Houston. “That is 16.39 percent of the certified levy. The certified levy is the maximum amount of money that you can collect from property taxes. You’ll see the General Fund was cut 18.36 percent, and each one of them was cut about 18.36 percent other than our two debt funds, and they were cut .06 percent.”

Circuit breaker credits amount to less money coming into the city’s budget from the tax distribution. More money is required to be cut this year than last year.

Houston said that he went to each department head to ask them to reduce their budget by a certain percentage.

Now that the process is complete, a resolution to transfer funds was drafted. Houston said he checked with the Department of Local Government Finance, and the process he’s recommending includes putting money into a circuit breaker line item within a department’s budget.

“We still want to be able to get our maximum levy. We don’t want to do a budget reduction. We just want to move these appropriations down into an unappropriated area or circuit breaker area so that we don’t spend more money than we have coming in.”

Houston said about $261,000 is the circuit breaker, and that means the city council will need to watch all spending.

“It’s cutting it right to the bone. There’s no doubt about it. We’ll have to be very frugal. We have to do what we have to do.”

In addition to tax caps, the reduction of the assessed valuation of property can be attributed to some of the loss of tax money coming into the city.

The council members agreed that they have no other choice but to approve the resolution presented to them by Houston. The council approved the resolution for the transfer of funds with a unanimous vote.

Requests Increase for Transportation at Marshall County Council on Aging


The Marshall County Council on Aging continues to cater to more and more patrons with transportation needs.

Executive Director Jackie Wright gave the Marshall County Commissioners an annual report this week and said they have been turning down requests for transportation as they aren’t able to accommodate all of the requests. About 60 denials were given in each quarter in 2014. She explained driver and vehicle availability and hours in the operation day were the main reasons why those requests were denied. The agency has nine vehicles with 15 drivers.

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Marshall County Sheriff’s Office to Build Long Awaited Training Facility


The Marshall County Sheriff’s Office will be constructing a training facility.

Deputy Ryan Hollopeter explained to the county commissioners on Monday that the officers are required to keep up firearms training, but no longer have a location to do so because of complaints of noise from neighbors.

The Marshall County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #130 has offered the use of their location at Hawthorne Road and State Road 10 for a firearms range and the construction of a 30’ x 60’ pole building on a concrete pad for classroom training. Deputy Hollopeter said there is enough property available for rifle and handgun distance training. He said other law enforcement agencies could also use the facility for similar training. It could be opened up to the public for officer-conducted firearms training.

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Meeting Scheduled in Marshall County to Discuss Road Funding


A representative from the Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) will be meeting with the Marshall County Council and the Marshall County Commissioners this week to discuss funding options for the highway department.

Commission President Kevin Overmyer said in a previous meeting that the state will soon cut funding for local roads and highways, and it will be left to local governments to provide funding for projects.

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Marshall County Commissioners to Receive Road Update

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Commissioners will have an update on roads when they discuss items with Highway Administrator Laurie Baker and Supervisor of County Highways Jason Peters.

The highway department crews are doing what they can to rehabilitate areas that were damaged due to the frost line. Potholes have surfaced, and edges of roads have deteriorated as winter turned to spring. It has been noted that some summer road projects will suffer due to lack of funding. The highway crews will do what they can with the funding they have to make the road as passable as possible.

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Bella Vita Pregnancy Resource Center Celebrates Five Years

Bella VitaThe featured speaker at the 5th annual Bella Vita Resource Center’s annual banquet was Peggy Rumer, who shared in words and music inspirational and “life changing” events in her life. She told of dealing with the birth of an unexpected baby and her new Christian life style.

The program and dinner was held at the Nancy J. Dembowski Center in downtown Knox. Speakers reported that Starke County holds the 3rd highest rate of teen pregnancies in the State of Indiana. Last year, more than 230 females and 90 males attended parenting classes at the center. Thirteen abortions were recorded by the agency in 2014 –compared to 27 in 2013.

The local pregnancy resource center is headquartered a 52 West Lake Street in Knox; the old post office building. It is a non-profit organization designed to assist those in an unplanned pregnancy situation. It is supported by donations.

Video Conferencing Approved for Courts, Jail


The video conferencing equipment in the Marshall County Superior Court 1 and Superior Court 2 courtrooms and the Marshall County Jail will soon be upgraded to include high definition quality.

Judge Dean Colvin told the county council members this week that the county can conduct court hearings via video conferencing to reduce the cost of transporting inmates from the jail to the courthouse for hearings.

The video conference systems are currently inoperable at this time, so the staff is looking to replace the equipment.

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Marshall County Law Enforcement Agencies Release Operation Pull Over Results


Plymouth Police and Marshall County Sheriff’s Department officers worked extra shifts last month as part of a crackdown on impaired driving. During the Operation Pull Over blitz, county officers made five criminal arrests for offenses like operating while intoxicated – controlled substance, possession of marijuana, driving while suspended and driver never licensed. They also issued 132 traffic citations and warnings. Continue reading

Man Accused of Aiding Runaway Makes Initial Court Appearance

 An initial hearing for Rigoberto Calix Reyes, 21, was held in Marshall County Superior Court on Tuesday afternoon.

Reyes is accused of aiding a 14-year-old Plymouth girl in running away from home and having sexual relations with the girl in March. Formal felony charges in the case include sexual misconduct with a minor, forgery and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

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Marshall County Council and Commissioners to Evaluate Options for Road Funding


It is the hope of the Marshall County Council and the Marshall County Commissioners to come together soon to address funding for county roads.

Commission President Kevin Overmyer told the county council Monday morning that the state appropriated money for INDOT but nothing for local roads for the next two years. He said representatives from the Build Indiana Council, Association of County Commissioners, and Indiana Association of Cities asked for those funds, but the request was not approved.

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