Building Inspector Reports High Permit Purchases in 2014


Marshall County Building Inspector Chuck DeWitt gave the Marshall County Commissioners a quarterly update where he announced the number of permits beginning in August and their permit values.

“We had 35 permits totaling approximately $1.6 million, giving us almost $30 million for the year,” explained DeWitt. “We had 183 inspections during August. In September, we had 52 new permits with a value of $2.4 million which gives us a total of $32 million for the year and 326 permits. We’re probably going to be on track to have about 425 to 440 total permits which is an exceptional year.”

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Two Arrested in Separate Domestic Battery Incidents

Jason Phillips
Jason Phillips

A man was arrested after allegedly battering a pregnant woman and a child.

On Wednesday night, Marshall County deputies were called to a home in the 13,000 block of State Road 17 where they found that the victim had fled the residence. The suspect, Jason Phillips, had also left the residence prior to the officer’s arrival. The victim was transported to the hospital for treatment for injuries sustained in the incident.

During the course of the investigation, police discovered that a young boy was also battered. Police were able to locate Phillips in Rochester and with the help of the Rochester Police Department he was taken into custody on Thursday.

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Marshall County Highway Department Crews Busy this Summer


The Marshall County Highway Department was busy this summer with the road program.

Supervisor of County Highways Jason Peters told the commissioners Monday morning that crews were able to chip and seal 38 to 40 miles of roads this year.

“We pugged right around five-and-a-half miles, we paved a little over two-and-a-half miles. We used about 2,000 tons of milling for paving. We used about 1,500 ton of that for miscellaneous patching here and there. Roughly 1,000 to 1,500 ton we used for patching which offsets a tremendous amount of money in years to come as far as buying cold mix,” said Peters.

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Commissioners Approve and Adopt Road Vacation Ordinance


The Marshall County Commissioners held a public hearing Monday morning concerning the vacation of a portion of 3B Road between Quince and Olive Roads.

Plan Director Ralph Booker explained that the request went before the plan commission at their recent meeting. The members of the plan commission found findings of fact that the conditions have changed in order to defeat the original purpose of the road, there is a public interest to vacate the road and the value of the road will not be diminished with the vacation of the road.

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Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today


The Marshall County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on a vacation of part of a road when they meet at 9:30 a.m. ET today.

A portion of roadway on 3B between Olive and Quince is being considered for vacation. A petition has been completed and sent to the landowners for approval by the plan commission. The plan commission drew up an ordinance pertaining to this property which will be up for the public hearing this morning.

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Horse Saddle Theft Reported in Bremen

Shane Querry
Shane Querry

Marshall County detectives received a report of stolen horse saddles from a stable at a residence north of Bremen on Oct. 13.

The theft occurred during the day in the 800 block of Elm Road on Monday. Officers had a report of suspicious persons at the stable during the time of the theft that led officers to an address in Starke County.

A suspect was located and questioned regarding the theft. Shane Querry was arrested and was booked into the Marshall County Jail on the charge.

A portion of the stolen property was able to be recovered

Domestic Violence Centers Receive Additional Funds


An additional $1.2 million was approved for domestic violence centers by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s Victim Services Subcommittee and a portion of that money will benefit local centers.

Domestic Violence Treatment and Prevention Council members reviewed the domestic violence shelters’ budgets and plans on how they would utilize immediate assistance and short term support to victims of domestic violence.

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Grant Application Approved for Training Exercise


Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery will be receiving a $8,485.29 grant as the county council this week approved his request to apply for the grant.

The initial purpose of Indiana Department of Homeland Security reimbursable grant was to purchase recording equipment for the Emergency Operations Center, but Avery told WKVI News that the equipment is not on the approved list for the grant.

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Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Launches Strategic Plan

MCEDCA long range strategic plan focused on economic growth was launched this week by officials from the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation.

This is the first formal county plan of this kind to be implemented by the organization and its partnering agencies.

Four specific programs are highlighted in the plan: Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR), business attraction, entrepreneurial hub, and a workforce development program.

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Marshall County Council Approves Appropriation for Metronet Project


The Marshall County Council members discussed an additional appropriation for the Metronet project Monday morning.

The amount was for $250,000 out of the Rainy Day Fund which is the amount St. Joseph County is expected to pay for the project.

Auditor Penny Lukenbill explained that Trinity Health sent in $125,000 for their portion of the cost in August which was appropriated last month. The county is anticipating St. Joseph County’s portion of $250,000 this week. Lukenbill stated that she wants to be prepared for when that happens.

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Marshall County Council Approves Funds for Public Defenders

 The Marshall County Council approved an additional appropriation for Marshall County Superior Court No 2. for pauper counsel.

Judge Dean Colvin explained that the shortfall in the budget is due to a contract with the public defenders.

“In regards to the contract that we have with our current public defenders and the request we made in 2013 to cover 2014 expenses in the additional increase in pay that we provided when we reorganized in the public defenders fund, we have now come to a point where we are in a shortfall. It’s primarily due to that new contract.”

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Severe Weather Possible This Evening


Severe weather is possible tonight into tomorrow morning. The National Weather Service advises a strong cold front and upper level low pressure system will move into the Ohio Valley tonight and will cause a squall line of strong and severe thunderstorms to develop from Illinois south to the Gulf Coast. It will be capable of producing widespread damaging winds, isolated tornadoes, some hail, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall. Should any of that hit our area, the WKVI Information Center will be staffed to bring you the very latest.

Marshall County Council to Meet Today


The Marshall County Council members will consider several additional appropriations in their monthly meeting today.

Marshall County Superior Court No. 2 Judge Dean Colvin will request $30,000 in an additional appropriation for pauper council while Sheriff Tom Chamberlin will discuss a $3,000 request for overtime.

A request for $250,000 from the Rainy Day Fund to cover the cost of the Metronet project is on the agenda. St. Joseph County  recently paid that for their cost of the project which was placed into the Rainy Day Fund. The council members will now take out that money to complete payment on the project.

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Marshall County EMA Director to Apply for Grant Request


Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery told the commissioners this week that the county is eligible for the Emergency Management Performance Competitive Grant, but the equipment requested in the grant may not be approved by the state.

Avery explained that he would like to reevaluate the use of the grant if the state will not approve recording equipment that Avery feels is necessary for the Emergency Operations Center.

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Burglary Incident under Investigation


The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a burglary that occurred Friday morning in the 7000 block or Redwood Road.

Police say some unknown person(s) used a small metal tabled to break a window in order to get into the residence. The suspect(s) reportedly stole a 32” television and a mount for the television. No other items were missing, but it appeared the suspect(s) went through drawers in the kitchen and in the bedroom, according to a news release.

If you know anything about this incident, call the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department at (574) 936-3187.

Marshall County Commissioners Approve 2015 Schedules


The Marshall County Commissioners approved the 2015 pay schedule and the 2015 holiday schedule.

Auditor Penny Lukenbill explained that the year is unique in that there are 27 pays for the year and budgets had to be moved around to accommodate that extra expense. The pay schedule begins Jan. 2.

The holiday schedule was also approved in which the county offices will be closed on Jan. 1, Jan. 19, Apr. 3, May 5, May 25, July 3, Sept. 7, Nov. 3, Nov. 11, Nov 26, Nov. 27, Dec. 24, Dec. 25. Lukenbill stated that the county will follow the state’s holiday schedule.

Marshall County Community Foundation Receives Lilly Endowment, Inc. Grant

Marshall County Community FoundationThe Marshall County Community Foundation has received a substantial grant for the sixth phase of the Endowment’s Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) initiative.

Lilly Endowment, Inc. awarded the community foundation with a $500,000 grant that can be used for endowment building, operating support, college scholarships, special charitable and educational projects and programs, fundraising capacity building, and convening and technical assistance.

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Starke County Highway Department Sets Road Improvement Record

Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen "Rik" Ritzler
Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen “Rik” Ritzler

The Starke County Highway Department is wrapping up road improvements for the year. Superintendent Rik Ritzler says they’ve improved more than 120 miles of roads through a combination of chip and fog sealing, asphalt paving and wedging and crack sealing. That’s the most road miles improved in a single year by the Starke County Highway Department. Continue reading